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How to Do FaceFuck

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Facefuck is a type of extreme oral sex where the dominant partner dictates the pace of the oral sex. It is a more extreme act that requires trust and good judgment from those involved.

Uma boca parecendo feminina com um grande pirulito

First, let's start by saying that all domination fetishes need to be consensual. Any practice without consent is just abuse and violence, so everything we write in this post is based on this premise: Consensual!

What is FaceFuck?

FaceFuck is the practice of oral sex on the penis where the man controls the action. The person keeps their mouth open while he thrusts, whether doing deep throat or not.

The practice involves more than just oral sex; it involves domination by the man and submission by the other person. It can also be called extreme oral sex.


Facefuck is a domination technique that requires a lot of responsibility from those involved.

Establish non-verbal safety signals so the submissive can stop the practice at any time.

Take breaks and keep communication open and constant during the act to ensure both are comfortable and satisfied.


How to Do FaceFuck:


  1. Consent between all parties involved;

  2. Establish a Safe Word, which in this case would be a signal since the mouth is occupied, so the person can stop the practice at any time;

  3. Choose a position where the man is dominant and can make movements. You can find these positions in our Kama Sutra;

  4. Knowing how to do Deep Throat helps, as it will be more comfortable for the person performing and more enjoyable for the person thrusting.


Best Positions for Face Fuck


Ilustração da posição sexual Face Fuck, o homem está de pé segurando a cabeça da pessoa, que está ajoelhada de frente para ele, fazendo sexo oral. O site é destacado no centro da imagem.

The Facefuck position gets its name because it is the classic position for the technique. The man stands and holds the person who is kneeling, pushing their head against his penis.

Sword Swallower

Ilustração da posição sexual engolidora de espadas, nela há uma cadeira onde a pessoa que está recendo o sexo oral está com apenas uma perna apoiada na cadeira e a outra perna no chão, embaixo dessa pessoa a outra pessoa está sentada no chão com as costas apoiadas nas pernas da cadeira fazendo sexo oral. O site é destacado no centro da imagem.

Not necessarily does Face fuck involve deep throat, but if the person performing can do it, this is the easiest position for deep throat.

Face Sitting

Ilustração da posição sexual passa na minha cara, a mulher está deitada e o homem está ajoelhado por cima dela com as mãos apoiadas no chão passando as bolas na boca da mulher.  O site é destacado no centro da imagem.

Remember I mentioned that the technique also involves domination? So face sitting can also be oral on the penis, but it's also great for stimulating other areas, like the balls.

Deep Throat

Ilustração da posição sexual que a mulher está deitada com a cabela fora da cama e o homem está em pé penetrando o pênis na boca dela. O site é destacado no centro da imagem.

This position is called deep throat because when people think of deep throat, they think of this position. Although it has this name, it is the most difficult position for the technique.


Ilustração da posição sexual Oral Slave, a pessoa que está recendo o sexo oral está de costa para o espectador, enquanto a pessoa que está fazendo sexo oral está sentada segurando a pessoa pelas pernas. O site é destacado no centro da imagem.

The Slave position can be done in two ways: the person on top presses the head against the penis or the person performing the oral pulls the man's body to create the thrusting movements.


Tips for Beginner Submissives

  • Start slow, allowing both to get used to the practice;

  • Gradually increase intensity and depth as the submissive feels more comfortable;

  • Use plenty of lubricant to reduce friction and increase comfort.

  • Initially, use more comfortable positions that allow you to use your hands to push your partner's body away, like in the Slave position;

  • Practice deep throat techniques here on the blog: 6 Steps to Deep Throat.

Tips for the Dominant

  • Start slow and gradually increase the pace, always checking the submissive's comfort;

  • Vary the depth and pace to keep the experience exciting;

  • Take breaks every time after deep penetration;

  • Pay attention to non-verbal safety signals so the submissive can stop the practice at any time.

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